©2024 Edo State Government

How do I get or apply for a building permit?

Submit your building plan and relevant documents to the front desk officer of our ministry.

Ekpoma, Uromi, Ubiaja, Auchi,Igarra, Afuze and Sabo. Other locations in Oredo, Egor, Ikpoba Okha, Ovia North-East, Ovia South-West, Orhionmwon and Uhunmwonde Local Government Areas will be opened soon

No, it is a criminal offence to bribe or induce a staff of MPPURD. Once all your documents are in order and your design meets the Ministry’s requirements, your application will be approved.


No, you are expected to pay the assessed amount in full to a government Account in any commercial bank of your choice.

14 (Fourteen) working days upon submission of complete documents and your design meets the Ministry’s requirements.

No, payment of the planning fee does not guarantee approval. If caught, your application may not be approved, and you will be liable to pay a contravention penalty. Your development could, in addition, be sealed.